Coaching for driven men ready to live their potential.
An Elite Man is not a perfect man who has it all figured out.
He is a man who recognizes and celebrates his successes, but doesn’t settle on them.
He seeks out that which does not come easily.
He commits himself to being the best man he knows he’s meant to be in all dimensions of his life.
– Brian Jenkins, Founder
EliteMan Coaching™
Discover the 12 Principles of an Elite Man!
In this 3 page EliteMan Ethos Guidebook, you will be given 12 crucial philosophies to ensure that you don’t sell yourself short of your potential.
Download this free guidebook today, and equip yourself with
these essential tools for the next level of your life.

“I believe that within every man, there lies a solution
to the world’s greatest challenges.”
Within every man, there is part of us capable of
overcoming every obstacle in our lives.
Deep within you, there is an Elite version of
yourself waiting to come alive.
Only you can bring that part of yourself
to the surface.
So what does this part of you look like?
It’s the version of yourself that gets up after every setback,
no matter the odds.
The version brave enough to recognize his poor health,
and bold enough to sweat out a higher quality life.
The version that doesn’t hide behind his professional
success while avoiding being the father his kids
need and deserve.
The version that embraces the “tests” from his wife
and doesn’t seek an “easy mode”.
The version that challenges his life’s trajectory
and course-corrects towards his own mission
and purpose with unwavering confidence.
That’s the Elite version of you I’m talking about.

My mission is to guide driven, high achieving men
to fully unleash the Elite version of themselves
beyond their professional world.

Hi, my name is Brian Christian Jenkins.
I am a speaker, men’s coach, health and fitness enthusiast, animal lover, a sucker for sweets, and founder of EliteMan Coaching who is fascinated by human behavior.
In my western education, I was taught that success in business is the end all, be all. Work hard. Climb the ladder. Get to the top. But like a lot of men, I reached a point where I felt empty, unsatisfied, and deeply unhappy with my achievements.
When I looked around, I saw so many “successful men” sacrificing their marriages, time with their kids, their health, and their overall enjoyment of life.
I began to ask myself “When my time is up, am I really going to be fulfilled with only my professional accomplishments? “Whose life have I been living?” Did I really choose this path? Or did my ego and security choose it?
These questions were the beginning of my transformation. To me, living life as an Elite Man is about being committed to giving the best of myself in every role I play.
Elite Man Cornerstones
The four week training for men looking to build a foundation of unshakable health, profound love, abundant finances, and a rooted purpose.
The Eliteman360 Arena
The three month mastermind for high-achieving men who are ready to radically transform and succeed in the 12 domains of their life.
Elite Man Mastery Coaching
The high level, private coaching experience for men ready to be supported and challenged to set
and attain their greatest life goals.
What other men & leaders say about Brian:
Gifts that only Elite Men appreciate
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