The training grounds for your greatness.
It’s time to fully show up in your life, career, and relationships.
To stand strong at the helm of your life and lead:
Strengthening and striving to be the best version of yourself in every role of your life.
Improving your relationship, sex life, and connection with your partner/wife
Re-energizing yourself to bring a new level of yourself into your career
Having more free time to spend with kids, friends, loved ones, and enjoy life.
The truth is, most men are not leading in their lives.
They are being shaken by every wave that rocks their boat.
Unable to resolve conflicts in their marriage and relationships
Tired of being held back by old patterns and vices
Working long hours, accomplished but unsatisfied
Feeling like they are losing control of their lives, at any moment something could slip
Little/no accountability in their lives
Taking care of others, but few people are there for them
Feel like they’ve hit a plateau
If you’re experiencing any of this, you’re not alone.
Most men don’t show it, but inside they are asking themselves “What do I do?”

My name is Brian Christian Jenkins.
I am a coach, trainer and the founder of EliteMan360 Program and StellarU Experience, and I know when I experienced this, I felt embarrassed to ask for help and I felt alone.
Even though I was respected among my peers, what they didn’t know, is that I was unfaithful in my relationships, frustrated from being the “nice guy”, working nonstop to prove myself, and didn’t have a clue as to what I was going to do next. I didn’t want to ask for help or tell people how I really felt because I was convinced they wouldn’t respect me, think I was incompetent, or lose trust in me.
Throwing myself into different men’s groups was the best thing I could have done for myself because that’s where I got to be honest with myself, surround myself with other men with similar goals, and who supported my vision. It was the next level kick in the ass I needed.
With years of experience in this work, I’ve created the EliteMan360 Arena to bring men together to breakthrough barriers and transform in every part of our lives.
Welcome to the Eliteman360 Arena
The Eliteman360 Arena is a three month mastermind for men who are ready to radically transform and succeed in their lives.
The Eliteman360 Framework was
designed to level up your life in every direction.
The life of an elite man can be broken down simply into 12 dimensions.

By isolating and focusing on one dimension at a time,
we will reshape your life and who you are on a permanent level.
By understanding this framework for your life and applying it within the Arena,
you will be able to take radical responsibility to truly lead in your
life, career, and relationships on your terms.
On this three month journey, you will receive:

Weekly ARENA calls led by Brian for high level coaching and connection.
Weekly team challenges to up-level your life.
Access to a powerful brotherhood of elite men.
Private ARENA Facebook Group for additional connection
The Eliteman360 Workbook to learn more and track your progress.
“Brian is a great leader. If you need someone to kick your butt a bit, he’s willing to. He doesn’t let you settle for being average, and your mood changes for the positive being around him.”
Full Stack Web Developer
“Brian’s vulnerability, leadership, and the way he shows up is helping me become a better man. Don’t think twice, you won’t regret working with him”
Marketing Strategist
Brian is an awesome guy because he cares. A lot of people care more about the money, but he cares more about you as a person. Don’t doubt working with him if you’re serious about changing your life.
This is the training grounds to claim the life you’ve always wanted.
Unshakable confidence with wife’s emotions
Laughing more, better sex, unified vision with partner
Having free time to do the things that fire you up
Life in order, steering the boat again vs being overtaken by the waves.
More energy and stamina for your pursuits
Hitting the goals and aspirations that matter to youmost
A life of constant improvement and growth.
If you’re ready to enter the arena and create lasting
change in your life, don’t wait.
Click the button below to join the wait list to for the next round of the Arena today.